Other > Faction Announcements

Any available faction names?

(1/3) > >>

one-eyes Torvald:
hai thar!
Is there anyone that can answer the question?
If these

--- Quote ---San Francisco Buccaneers
The Desert Striders
The Frustrated Artists

Summary: 941 names available (3 free, 938 registered)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 10:18:28 pm by Wipe »
--- End quote ---
are supposed to be available then they are not.
We tried to get a base and register one of these yesterday at approx 01.30gmt but none of them worked.
I'm pretty sure about that 'cause i've been trying for a long time, variating and copypasting included

0 Available.  :'(

one-eyes Torvald:
I guess it explains pretty much everything

There maybe no faction names left, but you can make some sort of "group" by sharing a tent.
And, next wipe, you can make a faction :)

You can also check Trade Offers. Maybe there is a faction willing to sell one of their bases.

Or, you can start your own [WTB] Base topic and wait for offers.

Good luck!


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