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Fallout, Arcanum and Planescape Torment are usually considered the "Pinnacle" of the genre.

mass effect 3 the new way of rpg. Kill people with a holo sword, level up your super powers for even more win.

And i loved how they said now guns are even more hard hitting, as if the game aint easy enough. I didnt have high hopes for it but why dumb it even more down?

The days where rpg actully was rpg seems to be long gone now its about most effects(Better graphics)  or kills that look great.

Skyrim well its bethesada so i expect lines from npcs to be like this: Have you seen any dragons? Horrible creatures.


--- Quote from: Crazy on June 07, 2011, 02:44:30 pm ---BF3 :


Far Cry 3 :

Seen mass effect 3 yesterday at EA conference, but I skipped to BF3 gameplay ;p
Video must still be somewhere though.

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HOLY MOTHER OF GOD (its a joke i will not get sobreexalted ;D) Farcry2 is one of the best games ever made, but from the original Farcry, by crytek i only like the Instints Evolution, the others, and especially the Vengance are just shit.
The combat style of FC2 is one of the best in all the games (including BF and Halo) and is very crude, and violent (you get a shot? stop of cry and use this tool to pull out the bullet. are you dying? inject yourself with morphine and go back to the battle), but this FC3 looks like a continuation of FC1 with the controls of the FC2, i like that.
And the mapper, the holy mapper, Halo forge is a tiny baby against the mappers from Ubisoft
FC2 is one of those good games that nobody plays, in 360 server there are only 100-200 players online......

About Mass Effect....the ME2 is very boring, all the combat is very repetitive, you get bored of combat in the first stage of the game, the romance, and speaking system give the game a breath, but the imposibility of explore kill it. , ME1 was good to explore, unfortunately the controls were shit, and the game was really bugged.
If you want RPGs play Fallout, Diablo etc.

and about PV13 IT WILL NEVER COME OUT!!!! now dont cry, we have fonline


--- Quote from: Surf on June 07, 2011, 09:36:34 pm ---If you honestly  think ME is the pinnacle of cRPGs then you didn't play many of 'em.

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I didn't say it was, I said it was close.  I said Elder Scrolls 3 and Fallout.

Btw I will say ME1 was way more interesting in comparison to ME2.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 07, 2011, 10:25:18 pm ---
Btw I will say ME1 was way more interesting in comparison to ME2.

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