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Fallout 2 Exit Grid

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As I'm waiting for the wipe I decided to fire up Fallout 2 again. I'm playing as a melee crippler (for the lulz) but annoyingly every time I blind someone they run to the exit grid. Is there any way to loot their body on the exit grid/ attack them? I'm at Vault 15 and Phil has been a dick and decided to die on the exit grid, any way to get the key off him?

No. Don't let them run into the grid.

Speaking of which I think Fallout 2 put more emphasis on melee compared to any other in the series. Knocking someone out with a blow to the head and groin stomp = manly.


--- Quote from: Lexx on June 05, 2011, 03:04:56 am ---No. Don't let them run into the grid.

--- End quote ---
  Your not serious about this right?  If it's a joke, haha, but if it's not, then this comes to mind:  "Wtf?"

Yeah same thing at Den with Anna's locket quest. Unforntunatley for the 3 thugs my lvl 2 made them run away and could not save her poor sooooooooul.


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