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Author Topic: PvE Improvement!  (Read 1813 times)

PvE Improvement!
« on: May 28, 2011, 01:26:39 am »

Ok, at first i'd like to apologize for my suxor english skills.

PvE means player vs environment or player vs everything, in this case, it's PvEnvironment. PvE in this game is poor, it ends with stupid grinding farmers/muts/raiders, the ghouls are just like "watch out near geckos, there are crazies!" or "necropolis? aw, shitty ghouls arounds here and some rats". Fighting with "wastelander" again, and again, pk, pvp, pk, pvp after time become boring. Fighting with muties and other shit was always essential of Fallout. How about add AI based tactical fights? Let's see.

1. Necropolis

Almost empty city, with just 1 merchant, nothing interesting here. My idea is to make it grinding/farming place, lots of crazies-like ghouls, with hp near 80, 100+ sg and sg weapons from 1 tier (85%) and 2 tier (15%), some ammo, caps and stimpacks (10%) and other stuff like cigarettes/beer/rot gut/[chemical component/bio med gel?] (15%). What's a point of that? GRIND, go with friends, fuck up all around and collect a loot for use/sell. Sounds like stereotypic mmo, but who cares.

2. Mariposa Military Base

Let's say, it was a little rebuilt. It looks not so fine like FO 1, destroyed computers, rocks, dust and junks everywhere. The reason to enter the base is quest given by some one from BoS/Enclave. The reward is 100k caps for tapes about FEV, so u need to go there with friends, kill enemies and back with tapes. Ok, what about enemies? Ofc muties, a lot of armored and armed muties. Really hard and long fights, fight chars speced needed, lots of stimpacks and teamwork.

3. Rocket Silo

It's my weird idea. 3 months after wipe, The Unity (or just muties) makes a post near Ares Rocket Silo. For what? To detonate/launch the missiles causes next server wipe. Why? Reasons are unknown. To avoid that, players have 72 real life hours to defeat forces in there. Let's say there are 5 muties. After 20-30 days (randomized), the forces will strike again, but now, there are 10 muties (multiplied by 2). 72hours to defeat or wipe. Next 20-30 days, strikes again, 20 muties (x2), and over and over, untill they become unkillable. So, 90th day = 5, 115 = 10, 130 = 20, 145 = 40 (hard, people may fail, but still doable), 160 = 80 (ITS NOW NEAR IMPOSSIBLE), 185 = 160 (rotfl armageddon), so era will remain for 4-6 months, depends on players. This idea has a lot of faults, ex: administration wants to manualy wipe server.

4. Bases attack

You see a sign "Your base will be attacked in 2 days". What's that? Check the faction terminal: "Raiders/Unity/whateverelse scouts spotted your base. Prepare for invasion!".
Bigger base - more chances to be attacked. The Cave - 2% (cooldown 1 month), Gasstation, Trapper Camp, Depot Base, Scrapheap - 5% (cooldown 3 weeks), Outpost - 15% (Cooldown 2 weeks), Bunkier - 25% (Cooldown 1 week). After time, 5-25 muties/raiders spawn like players and start to run into base, killing all on their way. If they kill all/touch terminal, base is lost.

Uh, my ideas may suck for you, but i'm open for criticism.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 01:44:06 am by melcma »


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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 01:40:15 am »

I agree up to all 4 points. Would be fun to have some pve location (call it a dungeon). +1
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 01:48:06 am »

Eh i especially dislike #2 with a 100k reward, you die? Your friends hold their ground until you come back grab your stuff and push a little farther, the only way i could see it work is if it spawned in a "dungeon" location where radio's do not work for calling reinforcements otherwise it would just be rather easy to farm. I do like the idea about bases being attacked but then again that will probably be avoided by having 10-20 mercs sitting where the enemies would spawn.
Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 05:08:48 pm »

Liked 4th.

It would be nice if some critters will attack with increasing strength.
Feo example.

1) 3 dogs
2) 3 gold geckons
3) 3 raiders
4) 3 aliens
5) 3 deathclaws
6) 3 floaters+3cents
7) 3 Muties
repeat with 5..7..9.. 2n+1..

It will prevent from just buying bases for solo player

Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2011, 08:32:20 pm »

The ideas could be nice with some work, i honestly dislike the 3rd and 4th since wipes shouldn't be so much frequent and players-dependant. The other one will be just more farm for big factions with mercs, maybe some lil fun for smaller factions but a total pain for kinda inactive or composed by only few members factions.
About "dungeons", the hard thing is to balance them since they could be an infinite source of loot. Maybe making many different dungeons based on levels could move the pvp area outside of TC towns only and allow mercenaries parties to protect yourself and so on..


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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 08:48:48 pm »

cool idea about 3 and 4, still i hate wipes and will protect at all cost :P
Why would you argue with someone, while you can kill him.


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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 03:45:51 am »

Not bad, I like the 4th the most, but all of them have to pretty balanced.
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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 04:10:12 am »

They're all pretty neat.  I like it.
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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 05:15:41 am »



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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 07:56:30 am »

4. Bases attack

You see a sign "Your base will be attacked in 2 days". What's that? Check the faction terminal: "Raiders/Unity/whateverelse scouts spotted your base. Prepare for invasion!".
Bigger base - more chances to be attacked. The Cave - 2% (cooldown 1 month), Gasstation, Trapper Camp, Depot Base, Scrapheap - 5% (cooldown 3 weeks), Outpost - 15% (Cooldown 2 weeks), Bunkier - 25% (Cooldown 1 week). After time, 5-25 muties/raiders spawn like players and start to run into base, killing all on their way. If they kill all/touch terminal, base is lost.

Mercs leaders alt = Lots of mercs in your base = Useless Idea.
" Low stuff on my 'cause I was tired of loosing BA " Caled

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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2011, 06:24:12 am »

Eh i especially dislike #2 with a 100k reward, you die? Your friends hold their ground until you come back grab your stuff and push a little farther, the only way i could see it work is if it spawned in a "dungeon" location where radio's do not work for calling reinforcements otherwise it would just be rather easy to farm. I do like the idea about bases being attacked but then again that will probably be avoided by having 10-20 mercs sitting where the enemies would spawn.

Good point, it can be avoided with 24hrs cooldown. If u enter to base, you get 24 hours cooldown, so u cant enter again after death.

Mercs leaders alt = Lots of mercs in your base = Useless Idea.

Well, number of spawned npcs will be based mercenaries and players currently ingame. So lets say, 10 member faction, with 3 offline alts which brings 5 muties each and 4 people tagged as "friends" in terminal

10 + 3 + 5*3/2 (rounded up) + 4 ~= 25 muties

Informations about number of muties will be calculated twice, once in begin of event, and second, in begin of invasion and pick up higher to avoid leave from faction and pwn 1 mutie.

It can be abused by logout from game, stay a second and all log in and pwn 1 mutie. But it can be avoided by script generating 1 mutie per 1 logging char.
For example, event begins, 5 chars stay at base, 5 muties spawn, and the other 5 chars and 5 mercs log in to the game or enter to base. Now spawns additional 8 (5+5/2) muties to avoid that.

I'm not sure that's clear, so I'll make examples.

Faction/gang/klan X. 10 registered members, 3 friends in database, 3 of them are charisma based chars with 5 mercenaries. Number of mercenaries and people able to see base saved.
Event appears, you have 3 days to prepare for battle. After 3 days time is up, 5 mins to attack.

a) They leave faction, only 1 guy with no mercenaries, but it doesn't work. Script chooses nr of people from 3 days ago. So it will not help.
b) They bring friends or multi logging with proxy, just additional people that were not registered for script. They come to base, but script protect from that, and generate additional 1 enemy for 1 character and 1 enemy for every 2 mercenaries/slaves that come to base.
c) They invite more people to faction, pay for it, alts or whatever. Now there is 20 characters, and 15 mercenaries ready to battle in the base. It also won't help so much, cause now script don't takes informations from 3 days ago, but from actual time, so 20 + 15/2 = 28 enemies.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 06:57:12 am by melcma »


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Re: PvE Improvement!
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2011, 02:34:27 pm »

4. Bases attack

You see a sign "Your base will be attacked in 2 days". What's that? Check the faction terminal: "Raiders/Unity/whateverelse scouts spotted your base. Prepare for invasion!".
Bigger base - more chances to be attacked. The Cave - 2% (cooldown 1 month), Gasstation, Trapper Camp, Depot Base, Scrapheap - 5% (cooldown 3 weeks), Outpost - 15% (Cooldown 2 weeks), Bunkier - 25% (Cooldown 1 week). After time, 5-25 muties/raiders spawn like players and start to run into base, killing all on their way. If they kill all/touch terminal, base is lost.

This made me actually wonder.
It sounds cool and it is cool indeed, however...

If you do not attempt to save the base what woukd be the penalty? As it's now, not many guys are checking terminals, and there are plethora of bases owned by one guy, and those deserve to be "raped".
This might have quite a potentional as the bases obviously have some defenses, yet there is no action going on in there. However time restrictions and lack of any useful user interface in the game makes me wonder how'd you turn it into fun and not a nussiance or even an disaster.
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