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Author Topic: Advice For The South ?  (Read 3073 times)

Advice For The South ?
« on: January 27, 2010, 07:57:50 am »

Hey there. I posted a thread in the general section briefly explaining my "usual" approach to getting a legup / decent foothold, but I've not been able to do it without getting PKed in my last few attempts (relied on passing through Modoc unscathed, which is nearly impossible of course). I was hoping to see some advice or tips to try out in the south, repeatable or reliable methods of getting some basic starting gear. Farming shit is not even very reliable, and would take far more time than is really worthwhile (on this or any game). It's rare (for me) to find any even moderate amount to shovel in any of the safe towns, and the caravans are currently not running.. so, whats a newb to do? Currently in the hub if you have anything you'd like to show me ingame. I really enjoy this game but there doesnt seem to be any consistent or reliable way to get past the initial barrier (getting a tent at this point is a series of incredibly difficult actions: get a knife. how? scavenge around forever or try to earn enough shovelling the elusive brown gold, to get some fibre. then get 10 hides while not dieing or being PKed in the process). I think we need a Modoc-type town made safe for new players, because all the advantages it has for new players are currently inaccessible.

thanks in advance.
Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 04:33:31 pm »

northern towns are usually more dangerous and don't have guards to protect players as much

i always make my way to NCR first and farm there for a good while
-guards everywhere
-lots of people
-easy to kill brahmin
-close to mining ore/mineral
-workbench, bank, trees, junk bins in town

i usually only die if i run into rocket/minigun guys that are passing through the wild areas outside town -> rare to die unless i don't run from all enemies


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Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 10:06:37 pm »

northern towns are usually more dangerous and don't have guards to protect players as much

i always make my way to NCR first and farm there for a good while
-guards everywhere
-lots of people
-easy to kill brahmin
-close to mining ore/mineral
-workbench, bank, trees, junk bins in town

i usually only die if i run into rocket/minigun guys that are passing through the wild areas outside town -> rare to die unless i don't run from all enemies

Don't forget the relative weak encounters around the place. And the city area is quite open to observe.
But how would someone compare NCR to e.g., Boneyard in perspective of noob-friendliness?
Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 12:03:07 pm »

You can find every material around Hub and Junktown, and you won't die there. Only sometimes I saw some russians killing everything that walks in Junktown, but it's rather rare. ^^


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Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2010, 06:57:36 pm »

yeah, those russians are reallystarting to get on my nerves, but still i guess they think juunktown is good sport...
around ncr you'll be relatively safe from pkers as long as you keep to the southeasern part, a pk cult called the khans like to hunt for newbs close to the town but for some reason stay north. if you have a gun most people will try to have a peaceful negotiation with you.
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Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 11:18:54 am »

making a character with tagged science and repair is a good start, then you should gather ores, and start producing metal parts (you can sell them for 150-200 each in NCR)
After lvling up, get science up to 60 or 80%. If you have 60% you can create gunpowder from minerals, if you have 80%, you can produce alloy (3 minerals and 3 ores) and sell them for 800-1000 caps.

Easy earning ^^ Really.


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Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2010, 11:32:14 am »

and the 5 minute cooldown to get 5 minerals...
bring a brahmin to the mining area, that way you can get an infinite number of stuff on it.
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Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2010, 12:36:59 pm »

and the 5 minute cooldown to get 5 minerals...
bring a brahmin to the mining area, that way you can get an infinite number of stuff on it.

And a perfect opportunity to get robbed !


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Re: Advice For The South ?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 12:40:07 pm »

not if you're sneaky  ::), usually a would be robber goes directly to the minerals, he sees a brahmin, (got 75% sneak), he stands still, and i pop a burst or two into his spine. but then again i'm on a high level (17)
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