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Mumble vs TS vs VT?

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--- Quote from: Perteks on June 05, 2011, 02:17:17 pm ---All your arguments like

push me to TS3. Its like childish saying mine is better because is better.
Just dont get trolled by stupid post from Bali. Give solid arguments :P

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Like yours?

--- Quote from: maszrum on June 03, 2011, 10:41:26 am ---TS3 (with some useful plugis) for fonline purposes, beats all other communcators

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The best argument is, that hosting 300+ users server is free on Mumble... And that Mumble is open source, not closed like TS3, if you know C++ you can make something which you don't have in Mumble/Murmur for yourself :>

--- Quote from: Daro on June 03, 2011, 07:08:29 pm ---Almost the same ;)

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Oh, rly?

--- Quote from: Mumble_blog ---Display of the full blown client user interface inside the overlay. On the Windows platform it is fully interactive just like the desktop client. (This feature is EXPERIMENTAL)

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