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Lawyer video

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--- Quote from: maszrum on May 31, 2011, 06:43:15 pm ---mega skillz videos
damn.. cant wait wipe and this alliances against 10 players

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I thinked The Rogues after wipe, will play only requiem and 2238 not, wtf?

It depends on how do you interpret "The Rogues"


--- Quote from: justtroll on June 01, 2011, 07:46:09 am ---I thinked The Rogues after wipe, will play only requiem and 2238 not, wtf?

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Probably not my brother. They are too scared to play there, new "goverment" there and so ...

No friendly admins, no play on Requiem  8)


--- Quote from: T-888 on June 01, 2011, 12:12:05 am ---Oh yeah nice sklzzzz :) , I remember this one topic one of tttla member whining about Highway Pirate swarm :) ahh ..... btw Chosen Girls were heavily outnumbered there...

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Sure, 10-19 people is too outnumbered for your WHOLE alliance ::)

I wish we could just communicate sometimes and set up our own arena matches with each other sometimes....  You know, set stakes, equipment, numbers...  But no side is willing nor trustworthy enough for this to happen.


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