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Author Topic: Useless weapons  (Read 1807 times)

Useless weapons
« on: May 29, 2011, 05:17:14 pm »

I suggest to make so called "low tier" weapons equal in range with "top weapons" so they become useful.

For exemple, Hunting rifle, making it range 50 as sniper rifle will make it some what useful, and adjust the other things instead, like AP/Damage/armor piercing/special perks (like one giving higher chance to hit or maybe a new perk making specific kind of injury chance higher?).

Pistols same, Deagles, Revolvers, 10 mm make them all range 30 like .223 Pistol.

Diffrent way with simillar effect:

Make weapon classes in terms of range, all sg long range single shotters 45-50 range, all pistols 25-30. Then, implement something of a "Weapon Effective Range" (like Jagged Alliance 2), meaning that after specific range, the chances to hit are reduced. For exemple a pistol with range 24, you can still shot at range of 30, but after range 24 the penalty will begin to work with each hex (dunno, -3% chance to hit each hex overlapping SG skill?). So a hunting rifle would still be able to shot at 50 hexes, if its effective range was 40, but  would have -30% to hit. Or another way to make a penalty could be to reduce the minimal damage on the weapon, so a hunting rifle having normal damage 8-12 (heh, i dont remember just guessing) at 40 range, would have (lets say with reduction 1 points of damage each hex) 1-12.

Well some ideas :)

Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 06:17:36 pm »

Ah you are Jagged Alliance fan too?
That game really has one of the best tb combat system I have to say.
I have to say the idea of weapon range and effective range sounds nice and I think what you write as negatives shooting outside of effective range is good.
Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 07:12:26 pm »

Yes, i am :)

But it seems we are the only ones who wish to have more "detailed" combat? ;P
Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2011, 07:47:19 pm »

I like the idea, but max hit chance for above normal range should be lowered under 95%, or players will manage to get 95% hit chance even above normal range.



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Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2011, 08:05:29 pm »

I dont see MINIGUN here. Its useless weapon. No one use minigun, only avanger minigun.


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Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2011, 08:45:17 pm »

I dont see MINIGUN here. Its useless weapon. No one use minigun, only avanger minigun.

For now.
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Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 09:07:54 pm »

You could always go for different kinds of ammunition, for shotguns for example. In my mod, I've made beanbag rounds for example, it gives the target a high bonus to it's DR check so the shot does little to no damage, but has the knockback perk added for great manstopping. Basically, there is a need for new weapon perks, ammo modifiers to make the weapons more varied in use IMO. This is atleast how I handled it in my mod, so you may call bullshit if you want. ;)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 09:21:53 pm by Surf »
Re: Useless weapons
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2011, 09:26:47 pm »

You could always go for different kinds of ammunition, for shotguns for example. In my mod, I've made beanbag rounds for example, it gives the target a high bonus to it's DR check so the shot does little to no damage, but has the knockback perk added for great manstopping. Basically, there is a need for new weapon perks, ammo modifiers to make the weapons more varied in use IMO. This is atleast how I handled it in my mod, so you may call bullshit if you want. ;)

Personally i think that ammunition and thier diffrent kinds is mostly needless micromanagement. I dont even think that the diffrence between AP and JHP is needed. I mean, what does it bring to the game? That when you face enemiies you know what kind of ammo you will need before? and if you take wrong? All of the sudden you are useless... But, this has been pretty much fixed in my opinion by making AP and JHP quite simillar (very big diffrence if one thinks of the past, where AP ammo did sometimes no damage at all vs unarmed and vice versa).

I like the idea, but max hit chance for above normal range should be lowered under 95%, or players will manage to get 95% hit chance even above normal range.

Yes, thats what i ment with "overlapping", it seems logical in this situation that its not up to the user of the weapon anymore but its up to the weapon (as its not made for shoting over that distance). I think even both reducing the chance to hit and reducing lowest damage would work nice. What this would lead to is also that experienced players would get advantage over none-experienced. Which is always good i think, making the combat mechanism more "deep" (what i mean is that experienced players will know more or less on what distance the weapon is good without havint to check exact hexes)  8) A less experienced player might get coocky and shot as soon as he sees the enemy.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 09:32:17 pm by kttdestroyer »
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