Other > Gang Issues
Best rush in 2238 history
i know this will make rage, but the first time i see the video i laugh my ass off with all that funny voices
After that i try to see the vid in good quality, it isnt, so i cant enjoy your awesome zwarm
I personally think that C88 rocks, but this battle was winned for the errors of C88 and TTTLA, not your awesome tactic, wich is simply run and shot. Is very idiot to see the guys retreathing without attack and begin to attack, what the hell were they thinking?
--- Quote from: Reiniat on May 27, 2011, 06:43:50 pm ---I personally think that C88 rocks, but this battle was winned for the errors of C88 and TTTLA, not your awesome tactic, wich is simply run and shot. Is very idiot to see the guys retreathing without attack and begin to attack, what the hell were they thinking?
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You have some truth. But they had a , more weak armors, bad positions and began to panic. They retread to late.
--- Quote from: Reiniat on May 27, 2011, 06:43:50 pm ---...not your awesome tactic, wich is simply run and shot...
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Xenom didnt write that it was something more than that, the title is 'the best rush' and it was a rush ;)
--- Quote from: vedaras on May 27, 2011, 06:02:45 pm ---well tttla looked like white flag army :/ sometimes i wonder how they are most hated faction, they give such a lot free weapons and armor to people in wasteland...
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You know vedaras, we are just asshole french noobs. TTTLA are gays. TTTLA play like brahmins. TTTLA are swarmers. French are hypocrytes. French have no balls. TTTLA smell like vedaras' shit. TTTLA are cheaters. TTTLA are trollers. TTTLA love Justin Bierber.
I said everything about everybody want to say about TTTLA. We can close this shitty topic or I create one topic per video that we made.
--- Quote from: Jescri on May 27, 2011, 07:38:41 pm ---TTTLA love Justin Bierber.
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You sick perverts! That was really disgusting, even for a froggie-chicken-no-ball-gaylords-whatever.
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