BG kills in 2, 3 shots max. Just about always. As a pistol crippler you shoot 5,6, maybe 9 times before you make a kill and die in 1-2 shots from BG almost always. Only way for survival is arm critical/cripple or knockout.
Also so what of BG are more expensive, any experienced player can get them NP so it doesn't really matter. Adjust prices problem fixed.
Anyway i'm sure the devs have thought this out very thoroughly, and have added a new kind of weapon perk(more critical aimed shots!) to compensate for anti crit perks and armors
come on, youre doing it wrong.
first if you plan to use 6 or 5 shots for kill your enemy you will need to reload you AP at least 3 times (if you have a doubleshoter) wich means that the BG will run like Rambo and kill you from one hex
The purpose of a pistol crippler is blind the enemy, or take out his weapon, (we cant know what is more probable, thanks again devs!!)
But pistols are for shot from FAR, laser pistol has 35range and plasma 20. (im not SG pistolero, and i can kill only in the wastes, you should add this weapons at hinkley) the purpose of the gun is inabilite the guy before he reaches you. its a AP isuue, your enemy can shot you from far and waste his AP or run like a heck against you, awesomly no one do this most of the guys waste his AP from far and get killed easy.
Laser pistol will do criticals from 60-100 plasma 120-150. doubleshooters have a 44% of make a double critical. one shoters have 75%, but they need to reload his AP. this is designed to inanilite the enemy in 1-2 shots, the other ones are just an issue. IT IS POSIBLE TO KILL BG USING YOU BRAIN, but most of the time you will get killed for close distance, (had 200HP is useful then), practically those builts are based in real life Luck, if you dont inabilite your enemy on time you be simply dead.
In encounters with Cautios Nature you will always rock killing BG because you arent even in his sight, but i dont even think in use EW pistols in TC or hinkley, then i drug my char to do double plasma shots from the Plasma Rifle.
If you do something like a new way of resist criticals you will crush most of my builts (the only ones i can use) and i will not play the game the next season.
PD: a new conraresting perk will make us waste a perk in our builts, i need BroF, 2xToughness, Better Criticals, Lifegiver, Awareness and Action boy, there is no space for more perks, unless i get drug or use 10AG and 6END wich is idiot