Other > Closed suggestions

Some off my suggestions


First, i think its stupid that i cant get junk from random cars. Also you should be able to start wich town you wanna start in.There should be preset classes for people who dont wanna make one. More quests,raids and so on. And finally a pvp arena or similair. I know this is all big stuff and the game is in beta and all that but its just my opinion!

See, and that's why nobody get interested in YOUR opinion, schoolboy.
You don't make a effort to prove it interesting.

I have no idea why the cars don't have any salvageable junk. Then, everybody will just start at NCR. There are no classes - if you're ask all polite you will be aided in build creation. More quests will come after devs are complete with ironing out the bugs, raids are omnipresent, "and so on" you will find in North towns. There is a PvP arena in Junktown.
And yes, it's all big stuff and the game is beta and "all that"...

So deal with it.

I don't care about such opinions.

isn't it boxing, you can't go berserk on each other with miniguns there, now can you, maybe make pvp arena tournaments for different weapon classes (unarmed,melee,small guns,big guns,energy weapons) and have a 7500 caps reward for reaching the top and staying there for a day. you could get generic armor and generic weapons for the tournaments which if you try to walk out of the arena building with would get you slaughtered by the npcs in a brutal fashion thus preventing thievery from arena stock.

DUde...PMS.... Seriously!

Another thing that would be cool was if you could make Jet from Brahmin shit!

we could call it Shet. 30% less effective than regular jet and withdrawal decreases your charisma


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