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Project v13

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Damn. You're right... But atleast i can dream of a better future for Fallout... Damn. I cannot think nothing better than being sold on eBay to some random guy that will just keep the trademark... :'(


--- Quote from: Surf on July 09, 2011, 12:02:29 am ---Interplays CEO is Herve Caen. He is responsible for so many failures (especially monetary ones) in the history of Interplay

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Did you know, that before Herve came to the company their debt was around 120 mln. dollars? And now it is only 2,8 mln. He has financed the Interplay by the funds of his own company (Titus Interactive).

--- Quote from: Grommok on July 08, 2011, 11:39:12 pm ---if my mind doesnt fail to me, Interplay made Wasteland, that is, lets say, fallout 0.

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That's correct. Interplay made this game and it was published by Electronic Arts. Though it was... ehh... in 1988, so even the union like that was possible back then. I peronally don't loose a hope that they will still be able to develop and launch the Fallout Online, at least because it would be (probably) a new canon source of the universe (I don't count F3/NV as canon).


--- Quote from: Graf on July 09, 2011, 09:57:25 am --- (I don't count F3/NV as canon).

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I dony count Fallout 3 too, but atleast something from NV could be really canonic. Like Cesare's legion, that was going to appear in Fallout 3 (aka Van Buren), and the fact of NCR expansion (as said in F2). We can alwais dream...  and you must admit that Wasteland is still a good game. ;D

They simply took the Van Buuren design documents and made a game based on them. If you have such a good team (Obsidian) + semi-canonic source, then it's hard to make a bad game. Honestly, NV is good game (where it fits canon), but I don't like any of the DLC's we have so far. Don't know about of the upcoming Old World Blues (what we know atm sounds promising) and Lonesome Road, so we shall see what they will come out with.

Dead Money where for non combat caracters and Honest Hearts was for farmeble xp( if you hav let's say 7 stealth boys)


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