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Project v13
Well, if they'll finish up as bankrupt eventually, I hope that they'll publish the job they did so far. This could be extremely useful for the community. But I still hope that they'll finish up this project successfully.
--- Quote from: Graf on May 31, 2011, 05:44:01 pm ---Well, if they'll finish up as bankrupt eventually, I hope that they'll publish the job they did so far. This could be extremely useful for the community. But I still hope that they'll finish up this project successfully.
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It's very naive to think that a company will release all the assets and work they created before, just for free.
Well, consider it my dreaming in case if everything will go wrong :) But, if they will make the bankruptcy process, which would lead to the disposal of all rights on Fallout to the Bethesda anyway, then why not to make a gift to the fans? Of course, it's very naive... but who knows what it's all end up with?
One can dream, heh. ;)
Point is, it costs money to produce art assets, use the engine, pay the developers etc. There is no way they just give away this work for free.
If best, it will rot on some lonely HD till someone eventually buys the license again or Bethesda gets it.
Something is always better than nothing. Even those few arts from the "Armageddon Rag" newsletter was pretty useful, so if they will give out anything better - it would be a great gift. I also agree with your point, that it's a matter of time, when someone will buy a co-licence from Interplay and let them finish the game.
Here's what I've found on the Interplay forums, and I consider it as VERY interesting info. It's an analysis made by some guy, related to the situation in the Interplay. In general, he's talking about that the situation in the company isn't that bad as everyone think. Anyway, here's the message itself:
--- Quote from: http://www.interplay.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18241 ---Sigh.. one guy who has no idea how to read financial documents makes an uninformed post at nma and it spreads like wifdfire. Allow me to shed some light.
Go get the 10-K in the previous link. Page F-3,
Trade receivables, 199,000
Other receivables 21,000
Deferred income 541,000 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deferred_income
so thats 762,000 in future money.
now factor in that about 9 years back interplay had over 120 Million in debt and now they ony have 2.8 million. They paid this down by selling off Hunter the recokning for 15 million, Galleon, shiney entertainment and the matrix property, and most of fallout.
so while Interplay keeps little cash on hand they do have incomming revenue.
now a company like interplay is going to have losses or expenses, that happens when your making Fallout Online.
2nd, The 10-K is from December 31, 2010. Since then they have released Prehistoric for the ipod,
Death and the Fly for PC, MDK-2 for the nintendo Wii and have several games in development.
Games that are bringing in needed revenue and income w/ more releases on the way.
They license developers to make the games and they take a cut. This is a low risk , low capital way of doing things and given they are not rolling in money its a smart way to do it.
3rd, They will win the Battle Chess lawsuit. For those that do not know a company called Topware tried to make a came called Battle vs Chess. where the vs was simply 2 crossed swords. Sorry,, thats a no go. Interplay won the injunction and they will win the case hands down. Easy money in the bank.
4th. Funding.. Interactive Game Group has put up 15 Million to fund Fallout Online and Masthead Studios has put up 20 Million dollars. Thats 35 MILLION dollars guys. Say it with me.. THIRTY.... FIVE.. MILLION DOLLARS. THIRTY FIVE MILLION GREEN BACKS.
If you read SEC statements often (like i do) you will then realize that these statements of "we may not be able to do this.. or that" are just legal blanket statements. Of course they might fail and of course they are not rolling in money but after the disaster that Brian Fargo left interplay in (even after Herve funded them via Titus Interactive) they are doing much much better (120 Million in debt vs 2.8 Million)
so what you have here is a person who has no idea how to read a SEC statement, who has not read the prior statements and who is just assuming that interplay is at the verge of death but the opposite is true.
they are comming out of a coma and starting to make progress.
All it takes is one man to write a hack job at nma and presto.. viral.. did the gamestop teenage 'reporters' look into the article? I bet not.. nope.. they just steal the article just like the other web sites do.
Now if we could only get an update on whats going on w/ Descent for the Wii????
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That gives some more hope for the successful ending of the story for those, who are waiting for this game.
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