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Project v13
Who Killed Bambi:
find it
I think that even if Bethesda won, it would continue developing Fallout Online, so it is going to come out either way.
--- Quote from: Floodnik on May 27, 2011, 07:22:11 pm ---Closed beta is already going on, you can try signing up.
--- End quote ---
lol theres no closed beta can you proof it? i dont think so
Who Killed Bambi:
hey, v13 is like spear of destiny. if people like u or half fonline people join it - bethesda won.
v13 project - like banksy - nobody know :D
i dont know beta testers ! ;)
--- Quote from: Reiniat on May 27, 2011, 03:29:00 am ---1.- IT WILL NOT GO OUT, not because i like that, because its only a temporary form of keep the legal process about the copyright of Fallout open
2.-Interplay is no longer Interplay they could have the same name but not the same guys of the first Fallouts
3.-Images look horrible, they dont fit with fallout style
--- End quote ---
This. Also I recognise they aren't actually screen shots but my money is it becoming a very generic MMORPG with the initial player base consisting mainly of the Fallout 3 fans who do not acknowledge there ever being a Fallout before Fallout 3.
Plus to my knowledge Interplay have no actual experience with making an MMORPG and with their incredibly limited budget I just don't see it happening. Besides we already have a Fallout MMORPG... 2238 anyone? Oh wait everyone is waiting for the wipe...
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