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Pip-Boy Medical System

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Pip-Boy Medical System (PMS)

The RobCo's final solution for surviving the wastelands!!!

the PMS is a pip boy 2000 medical software, it will help you for surviving outside the vaults doors.

the pip-boy comes with compartments to hold some medicines like stimpaks, you have to load medicines in your pip boy, and then you can use when you want with a simple command (no AP required).

information: it can hold a max of 4 stimpaks and 2 antidotes.
mode of use: by pressing a key (may be "s" for stimpak and "a" for antidote) the medicament is automatically injected in your organism (0 2 AP for using)
automatic life safe option: the PMS can be configured to automatically apply a stimpak dose when your hp are in red condition.
Warning: the PMS doesn’t apply a dose if you are in coma (hp < 1).

but... why the chosen one or the vault dweller haven’t this function in its pipboy?
Because that pip-boy was broken (remember the missing button?)

additional notes:
-the charges will remain after respawning. (don’t lose it when you die)
-charging and configure options will be made through the pip boy.
-charging a med will consume 3 AP.


Combat PMS
its an upgrade for the PMS, but was developed for elite soldiers.
its like the PMS but it have regeneration properties (decrease the HR time by 1 minute) and it can hold a super stimpak.
the super stipacks can be applied automatically (if was configured with an option) if the player was in coma (hp <1)

Brotherhood or the enclave will have some, but it will cost.

Environmental PMS:
increases your poison and rad resistances
can hold 2 more antidotes, and 2 radaway.

Chem PMS:
its an unofficial upgrade for the PMS, developed by the drug mafia.
increase your chance to resist become addicted and can hold a dose of jet/psycho with an increased duration (may be from raiders or mordino factions).

Notes: a player may only choose one upgrade.

About poison, radiation and healing rate
now you will have a chance to survive and protect from poison... but wait, poison is not much dangerous right now...

my other suggestion is to improve the poison effect (more damage per poison level, and  more often)
And make poisoned weapons for Players (poisoned spear, poisoned needler ammunition, poison gas grenade, poisonous ripper...)

Like i suggest in another post it would be nice that when respawn only remove a % of the current radiation lvl (like 30%-25%).

what’s about HR? its pretty useless recover a max of 10 (16 with faster healing trait and the 2 perks) hp for each 5 minutes.
if poison and radiation are upgraded the faster healing trait will be a pain in the ass, so maybe it would replace the +2 to HR,  
for reducing the HR time by 1.5 minutes (90 seconds).
and make faster healing perk to add 3 or 4 to HR instead of 2.

About First Aid and Doctor

now you will have another way to heal yourself, so my last suggestion is:
-using doctor in yourself will reduce the chance to heal a broken limb to half. (it will be complicated to fix your own arm or eye)
-using first aid in yourself will heal half amount of HP. (same as above)
-and.. doctor and FA will have a lower cooldown time (like 40% less)

-the PMS will help to make combats a bit longer (1 or 2 shoots more)
-will improve the demand and use of stimpaks.
-will allow people to heal themselves faster in combat without FA.
-will allow players to save some drugs/meds when die.
-healing rate will be another option for self-healing without FA (you could make a wolverine-like character. faster healing trait+Combat PMS= recover HP each 2.5 minutes)
-rad and poison resistance will make more sense and will be more important
-poison will be a preoccupation (if the char have a lower poison resistance), but players will have a chance to stop it.
-antidotes will become more popular and will have more demand.
-and for last, it will be more real doctors and field medics taking care about his friends or other players, instead of people healing themselves.

This idea is SO good, i'd PAY to see this implemented.
The name is already a jackpot. Can't be more perfect. ;D


--- Quote ---but... why the chosen one or the vault dweller haven’t this function in its pipboy?
Because that pip-boy was broken (remember the missing button?)
--- End quote ---

I have said it many times, and I'll say it again: We are not vault dwellers or chosen ones, we don't have pip-boys.
Other than that, the idea of automatic healing at no cost is just preposterous on its own. Sorry.

sorry for offtop

Post Menstrual Syndrome))) lol


An interface button for stimpak use would be great, just so long as it costed AP.


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