Other > Closed suggestions
Change it so you don't lose equipped items when you die
This way people will still get loot from killing and if you die in CA you don't have to spend 2 days making a new one.
Maybe some like secret pocket or something.
(Can stock only one Or Two items)
would be sweeter with 5 items though... on account for the ammo and the potential trade goods, ex. you've been hunting geckos near gecko, you've just managed to kill off a mob of them, on your way back you run into another player wighting a mob of geckos, the player turns his attantion to you and crits you in the eyes with a sniper, you lose all those pelts as though they never existed, happens to me all the time i try to get pelts.
wasteland is harsh :P
You can store items in caves, tents, bases, outposts, even in rented rooms i guess.
It would encourage people to gear up when going on bussiness trips at unsafe towns. But then again... wasteland is harsh. Besides it would make mindless pkillers even stronger because they'd hang around with their best stuff equipped without fear of losing them. Only peaceful traders would lose stuff because pkillers would just have their fighting gear.
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