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Author Topic: just a little question  (Read 1693 times)

just a little question
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:50:49 am »

im just asking myself (and you)

because I have put a brand of beer as my name (Jupiler) and I dont know if this is allowed.
if it is not allowed, is it possible to change it without do a deleteself?
thx for your answer.

sorry my english suck.
don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer.


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 08:54:04 am »

As far as I know, you are allowed that.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 08:55:53 am »

It is allowed.
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.
Re: just a little question
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 08:58:08 am »

thank you very much for this quick answer .

I really dont want to restart a new character, i'm reassure(dont know is this word really  exist in english but google trad say it is that) now
don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer.


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 09:23:14 am »

just don't do it like this guy did. or any other offensive can call yourself "peter" "klaus" "tom" "aki" "theo" "z0mfgRUN" ... but not "Hitler" or anything in that way  ::)
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.
Re: just a little question
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 10:10:25 am »

I am not the kind of guy who call is character hitler.
I am not lars van Trier...
don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer.
Re: just a little question
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 01:16:02 pm »

What if someone's second name is Hitler and he wants to use it as a nick ingame? :>
But the poor guy must be ashame of his second name, you know why :<
And there come the GameMasters, which don't let the poor guy use his name ingame!
The guy's even existance is "offensive to someone"(-.-). Evil GMs :< Discrimination!

It's just my opinion about banning/jailing for nicknames.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 01:17:55 pm by Floodnik »


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 05:15:57 pm »

The fact that people still get uppity about it only means Hitler's terror lives on.  What is some guy who killled 10000000 newborns had the name:  George Christopher.

Would that name be suddenly bannable too?
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2011, 06:32:57 pm »

Jack the Ripper ring a bell?  Its common. Hitler? Not so common.  There a name with it, the chances that it is a real name in that instance is almost nil and the chances it is a troll or for the 'lulz' is rather high. Which is what the issue comes from. 

Common sense is great ally, we all have it, some of us just choose to ignore it.  Being named a beer is fine in all seriousness, and it is nice that you at least considered if its alright or not and thought to ask.
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Re: just a little question
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2011, 11:32:04 am »

It isn't about common sense.
It's not players' task to prove he's unguilty, it's GM's task to prove he's guilty.
If you can't prove that the guy made his name Hitler to insult someone, then you shouldn't be able to ban him.
If GM bans a guy without having a clear proof he's guilty - I call this abuse.


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2011, 01:29:58 pm »

 And we all know what to do with GM abuse - report it to
"Sanity... is for the weak!"
Re: just a little question
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2011, 03:45:46 pm »

It won't help. GMs will still be "abusing" because I know that none of you GMs or even the overseer agrees or cares.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Facts will stay. And fact is:
It's not players' task to prove he's unguilty, it's GM's task to prove he's guilty.
That's how it is in modern democracy.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 03:48:23 pm by Floodnik »


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Re: just a little question
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2011, 04:49:38 pm »

That's how it is in modern democracy.

Yes, we are inspiried by fine example of democracy straight from USA. Problem?
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Re: just a little question
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2011, 05:15:19 pm »

Yes, as you pointed out Floodnik we all are damn abusers that spend their times abusing while the overseer trashes your emails.


Question was answered, topic locked.
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