Other > Gang Issues
He was in the "Face-down" idle death position. There's no way you could have shitted in his mouth.
Who Killed Bambi:
--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on May 19, 2011, 09:51:13 pm ---He was in the "Face-down" idle death position. There's no way you could have shitted in his mouth.
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i just like ape make wut he try to doo when he burst me in ncr , die , then spam by this :D
or he say - *pwned* , like pro pro pro gamer...
who kills bambi for me gets fortune and fame!!!!!!!!!!!!
killing (or to try to) in respawn point is against the Game rules, btw
--- Quote ---- Attacking people in respawn locations.
--- End quote ---
He is dead then probably he start attack :P and guards shot him down
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