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what is your favourite real life line?

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Mmm..... Chavez.....


--- Quote from: Eternauta on May 21, 2011, 01:51:55 am ---I don't like the concept of the "herd". In my opinion, "not following the herd" sounds like one wants to feel special, but is not really against the forces which "enslave" the "herd's" mind, or whatever, depends on the particular case.

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It's not about being better or more special than others, but not being worse than others.

And it's naive to think you can be against law forces, taxes or living in society rules at all costs, so I don't even try.

solid snake:

--- Quote from: Wichura on May 22, 2011, 10:45:49 am ---And it's naive to think you can be against law forces, taxes or living in society rules at all costs, so I don't even try.

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do, or do not. there is no try.


--- Quote from: Reiniat on May 22, 2011, 03:12:48 am ---thanks now i use it, it looks bettter, it is probably the best looking insult i ever see.

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No problem. Feel free to insult anyone in any language mon.


--- Quote from: solid snake on May 22, 2011, 01:56:40 pm ---do, or do not. there is no try.

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Yodaaaa!!!!  ;D


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