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knockdown and knockout
--- Quote from: Attero on February 26, 2010, 12:50:48 am ---@metal armor - i think you mean MKII -
those are the valoues at range burst from avenger should do not more to you then ...
JHP - metal2 - 86 with BA - 60,
AP - metal2 - 126 , BA - 108 ...
a little compare to psycho and 2x toughness BA... - 61 ;p (ofc ap ammo )
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And ofc on the other side - the criticals like dropped weapon, crippled arms, blindness, knock-outs or -downs are gonna happen even if you wearing APA and staying on head. The crit build can just keep you on the ground or not capable of shooting, that you never gonna use this "super" damage.
As I see it everything has pros and cons.
--- Quote from: Attero on February 26, 2010, 12:50:48 am ---http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Mentats
--- End quote ---
If we go this way, then no doubt that you can make a superman, f.e. 1/4/10/1/9/6/10, will become 7/10/10/5/10/10/10, 250hp, 90% DR and 16 AP, when on drugs and totally unplayable when not. 95% of players don't use drugs though (or use only before talking to NPCs occasionally), so it does not change the fact that a sniper build is well balanced in usual, common PvP fights and does not need any more nerfs just because some people may abuse chems :P.
All I know is that there is 50% more chance to get knocked out in turn-based mode.
i have a question to this topic, so if you have low endurance others have higher chance to critical hit you? that idea sounds lame...
I'd never go lower than 7 because you need at least 7 for sharpshooter.
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