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How are you feeling?

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i have headaches, my back hurts a lot, and i have a broken heart.

only FOnline and the "dear" FOnliner "keep me happy"

Edit: not longer, since the next post... :/

i just had a PKGASIM killed 13 people


--- Quote from: slaver_stimpack on May 23, 2011, 10:26:02 am ---i just had a PKGASIM killed 13 people

--- End quote ---
was it as good for the other people as it was for you?

Ned Logan:
I feel sad that funny forum trolling is still suppressed, still everyone is waiting for wipe, 2238 doesn't work for me and hasn't changed a lot, no one made a fun pure PvP server to host the trigger-happy of us leaving 2238 to RP & PvE and that world is still heading for the shitter and no cake is free...
On the other hand I am happy there are still lots of the same funny people here, others are joining Cryofluid in awesomeness creation, I have more free time and can do other fun stuff like playing music, trolling the interwebz, playing singleplayer games and that I wasn't raptured 2 days ago & just cooked myself a great meal...

Hector C:
I'm derpresed and not hopeful for the future.

Out of some foolishness i mixed some pills  (otc sleep aids) with some drugs (weed, ecstasy, nitrous, alcohol, tobacco, minoxidil), which wound up ripping my brain apart. that was about two years ago. 

I've always liked to smoke weed, but the last time I smoked I felt like my soul was being raped by demons; so not even that can give me relief any more.

I'm not particularly attractive am going bald. Coupled with the fact that I'm getting old and have teh personality of a dying beta fish my life seems pretty bleak.  I don't really have anything to live for. Before I messed my brain up I could at least make art.  I could write, and could draw, play the guitar, but now nothing.  I feel like I have no place in the world, and a ruined soul.

Other than that I'm good though.  ;)  :D


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