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New Vegas: shit or not shit?
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 12, 2010, 07:09:51 pm ---So... Wasn't this thread about FO:NV? ::)
--- End quote ---
It's "coming soon" apparently. I don't see how next season is soon but whatever.
you must have retado super mutant hands, i have gangly alien hand myself so your hands must be out of control to think the controllers to small or youve been brainwashed by the evil empire, seriousely, the online is perfect, ive never had an issue and i dont understand how you would even be able to make that assumption since its apparent you dont have a ps3 and probably have never spent any time on one, i on the other hand have both systems and side by side the ps3 boasts more functionality with a higher degree of fine tuned precision. sorry bud but i really dont think the arguments you make are in the least bit valid, and seemed to be based more on opinion then fact, throw some statistics and facts at me and maybe ill think you have a valid point.
Back to topic, gentlemen.
small info text, just skip the swedish text, there is nothing important there, the important stuff is in english.
there is some info at the wiki aswell: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas
not much info :/ I'm surprised at the bad advertisement about the game, but I guess they will not start to advertise until there is a (few) month(s) before the game is released.
It seems they are to return a little bit to the old fallout stuff (nightkin supermutant/smart supermutants/harder gameplay with ammoweight etc etc), but its still f3 gameplay.
It's bethesdas marketing strategy not to show anything else then a few screenshots and a trailer till the game comes out.
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