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Author Topic: Hinkley ideas  (Read 1379 times)

Hinkley ideas
« on: May 17, 2011, 05:06:31 pm »

 Hinkley is quite a cool place but it has one big flaw - usually there aren't too many players, if there are any at all.Thus going from far location with low outdoor skill just to find out that noone is there makes you annoyed and you feel like u just loost time that you could spend on exping or looting. At some point you decide it's not worth even checking if there's someone. My idea is to encourage more people to play in Hinkley by making it easy to get to. The more the people the bigger the fun. So here's my solution. Let's place NPCs in all mayor cities like Shady Sans, Vault City, San Francisco, Hub, Den etc. that will move player to the Hinkley arena instantly. They will also take care of player's possesion for the time he will be playing there. When player wants to get out from Hinkley he will be brought back excatly to the point he came from, and all his stuff will be returned (If it would be easier to do, it can be that player comes already 'naked' to the NPC). At this point access from world map will be no longer necessary. We can assume that Hinkley is somewhere but it doesn't matter where excatly since only way to get there would be via NPCs.

 My second suggestion is to make fights longer by adding a damage modifier. It could be optional thing, set when establishing a match. It could work the way that the overall damage would be divided by factor of 2 for example. It means: finalDamage*modifier where modifier could be 0.5 or 0.3. So that fights will last twice, three times longer. At the same time maybe option to minimize crit chance and such. It could be all put into some sort of pre-sets to make it easier for players. They would only choose "normal mode" , "epic mode" etc. At the moment 1vs1 is almost an instant match.


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Re: Hinkley ideas
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 03:12:51 pm »

i like the first option, you can make some sort of robots that will teleport you at Hinkley and then teleport you back

the second one is not that awesome, but is good for small or inecual(lvl vs. lvl) mathces
Re: Hinkley ideas
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 04:21:02 pm »

i like the first option, you can make some sort of robots that will teleport you at Hinkley and then teleport you back

I didn't think about robots but any kind of npc will do. Hinkley is a game in game anyway so we don't have to stick to the realism that much. But still i like more the idea of perceiving Hinkley as 'circus of wastelands' where local people and not only go there to watch experienced warriors fights.

the second one is not that awesome, but is good for small or inecual(lvl vs. lvl) mathces

It would be good for anyone in my opinion, even for players with higher levels because 1vs1 fight tends to last shorter than the preparation for it ;) Thus a little longer fight would be welcome.
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