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[O.T] New Fallout new vegas DLC


Hi all.
well(sorry i dont use translator and my english is very very bad :'( ) i was in youtube when i saw this trailer about a new dlc of fallout new vegas its going to be cool i love all the games of fallout exept brother hood of steel(ps2 shitty) but i playe the others all the time fallout1,2,tactics,3 and new vegas and 2238.
Here it is the Trailer Enjoy:


pd: Enclave and N.C.R RULZZ

yeah watched it, and i think this trailer sucks like all Bethesda trailers of fallouts except point lookout which was really good. I read that all upcoming trailers will raise level cap by 5, so it will be total of 50. Should be nice to reach this amount.

There is nothing wrong with your english, I'm sure everyone understands you.
It's not a big deal if you can't spell like an english teacher, if you know what I mean ;)

About the DLC, I think it looks promising.


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