Other > Faction Announcements

Looking For Faction


I'm looking for basically any faction that will have me, though preferably one interested in commerce actually. I could not care less about PK anti PK nonsense, I just want a group to roll with on occasion, a safe place to hole up and craft from, and a network of support. I know there's wipe in the air so this is actually intended for a more long-term arrangement, that is not just for the current season but for the next as well.

I like crafting and small guns, which is my intended route. What I hope to bring to the table is supply and ammunition, in exchange I just want a safe place to craft where I'm not going to be pick pocketed every two bloody minutes and such. I don't mind lending fire support if a group is short handed, but ideally I'd rather be in the rear with the gear - producing guns and ammo and repairing stuff as needed. If you're interested let me know, via PM, or just post here and we'll talk more on specifics.

Other preferences and notes:

English is my primary language, it'd be nice to have a group I can understand.
I've a rather erratic schedule, but I'm usually on at around 6pm EST and on until whenever I get bored or come what may.

That's pretty much it.


We are APk but if you are interested in a safe place to craft, you might feel ok with us. Feel free to post a member application in our forum explaining your situation and let the other guys evaluate it :)

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