Other > Faction Announcements
Mercenaries to hire
Went very well, they prefer caps so be ready with at least 10k per guy.
I preferred to equip them myself to suit me, they dont use drug builds. (Which isn't such a bad thing, self-sufficient, dont have to mess around with it all the time, plus they're good builds for both types of combat) We had a decent skirmish in New Reno with I think was TTTLA. We won... they caught us with our pants down but got back in time to clean it up. (my drugs ran out the MOMENT they went in >:C)
Not bad. I plan on using the service again.
I only want every one to know that we are not pk or anti pk we dont take any side only do wath we are pay for as in the uper reply.
All jobs will be kept secret until their donne, after they will go public here or in our site.
Yesterday the gecko mine was ocupied by BW soldiers for the proteccion of a group of clients..
Too bad for your clients that they didn't hire you for TC ;) (anyway, good job in gecko mine)
--- Quote from: Kelin on May 06, 2011, 05:18:11 pm ---Too bad for your clients that they didn't hire you for TC ;) (anyway, good job in gecko mine)
--- End quote ---
;D ;D ;D :o :o
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