We'd have level 10 players with 100% of their points send on barter, then? Sounds like a great improvement to "barter alts"
It's not like there's any way of eliminating alts... or dual logs... or exploits.... or over-noob/newb-harvesting...I still vote yes, 99.9% of newbies mess up their first character, something along these lines is required... Of course we could always have a tutorial.... But nah, that's never gonna happen, it's unfallouty.
You weren't suppose to kill the guy at the end, WERE you?
That's why I'd vote nay.
"Will this be a fight to the death?""No, @pname@. This is a fair hand to hand fight, to determine if you are the chosen one, or not. I will strike my hands down if I see you are truely good fighter." (don't have the original message here now).In an cRPG with multiple paths, you aren't "supposed" to do anything.
It [Temple of Trials] was based on what *tribals* would consider to be "ready for the world".
End of the discussion about the temple of trials here - thanks. You can open a new thrad somewhere to talk about it (Also there were already a few suggestions about adding one in 2238, so search before you do that).
As I see it, power gamers who make alts make alts, anyway. If they can do it in one day instead of two, well...explain me how that's gonna kill the game? Instead of raising a char to be a decent fighter, then gaining 10 more lvl spent on bartering, people will just raise a PVEer to lvl 10 and revert him to a lvl 10 barter.So we're talking about...what? a 12hr xping difference?Big deal!Maybe we could get some skills out of the deal, such as stealing, explosion, which are not usual newbies skills anyway.I think i may lack sufficient experience of the game to see how it can be abused, so please give me examples.thanks.