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List of сommon abbreviations
Hi all!
As a noob and not much common with specific abbrevs i find it difficult to understand much of the posts and in-game parameters. Although the many of them are pretty clear, like SG, but definately not all of them. Here is Maybe it would be alot easier to read to have one place where all of abbrevs could be found. Actually, there is one, but few can edit it, so...
AC - armor class
AP - Action Point (or) Armor Piercing
APK - Anti Player Killer
AR - Assault Rifle
BA - Brotherhood Armor
BG - Big Guns / Big Gunner
CA - Combat Armor
CA2 - Combat Armor Mark II
CAMK2 - Combat Armor Mark II
CD - Cooldown
CLJ - Combat Leather Jacket
CW - carry weight
DKS - Sniper Rifle
DOC - Doctor
DT - damage treshhold
DR - damage resistance
EW - Energy Weapons
FA - First Aid
FFS - For Fuck Sake
FOV - Field of View
GM - Game Master
LA - Leather Armor
LA2 - Leather Armor Mark II
LAMK2 - Leather Armor Mark II
LOS - line of sight
LSW - Light Support Weapon
MA - Metal Armor
MA2 - Metal Armor Mark II
MAMK2 - Metal Armor Mark II
MFC - Micro Fusion Cell
PK - Player Killer
RT - real time
SEC - Small Energy Cell
SF - San Francisco
SG - small guns
SR - Sniper Rifle
TB - turn-based
TC - Town Control
thanks to all guys envolved
CA - Combat Armor - http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Combat_Armor
BA - Brotherhood Armor - http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Brotherhood_Armor
thx, didn't notice a link to that page @ wiki
related to ammo: what is DA (Damage adj) is stands for? is it a multiplier for base weapon damage? or something else?
FA - First Aid
DOC - Doctor
AR - Assault Rifle
LSW - Light Support Weapon
FOV - Field of View
TC - Town Control
BG - Big Guns / Big Gunner
EW - Energy Weapons
FFS - For Fuck Sake ;)
CA - Combat Armor
BA - Brotherhood Armor
CAMK2, CA2 - Combat Armor Mark II
MA - Metal Armor
MAMK2, MA2 - Metal Armor Mark II
CLJ - Combat Leather Jacket
LA - Leather Armor
LAMK2, LA2 - Leather Armor Mark II
DKS, SR - Sniper Rifle
CD - Cooldown
OMGCHA - Oh My God Chosens Again ;)
You will use it a lot in mines and so
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