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Donation information

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not at all, mercs and slaves get a 10% morale boost  :-*

God of Thunder:
You could also remark the donation fact in the in-game player's nickname colour; for example you can change the colour of the player's who donated game on gold. However, I think that the ability to choose any nickname colour would be bad thing, as it would bring chaos and mess. There also could be few stages, let say normal, silver and gold, depending on money sent, let say silver 1 euro, golden 10 euro. It would motivate people to donate and to donate much money. I think it should be a shame for a let say big faction lider to have just silver nickname.


--- Quote from: God of Thunder on February 13, 2010, 12:22:24 am ---You could also remark the donation fact in the in-game player's nickname colour; for example you can change the colour of the player's who donated game on gold. However, I think that the ability to choose any nickname colour would be bad thing, as it would bring chaos and mess. There also could be few stages, let say normal, silver and gold, depending on money sent, let say silver 1 euro, golden 10 euro. It would motivate people to donate and to donate much money. I think it should be a shame for a let say big faction lider to have just silver nickname.

--- End quote ---

we donate coz we want to, not for names colors or any different boosts in game ....


If anything is given from donation there would be lawsuit.


But WTF, as Handyman and Reco said, why the hell do you want something in-game for donating ? Playing isn't enough for you ? If nobody pays, first you won't have something more than other players, but second you won't can play anymore...


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