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Donation information

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We are closer to the next update than ever before.

Doesn't mean much yet, though. :p

Then still just soon :)


--- Quote from: scypior on June 06, 2011, 02:03:41 pm ---We've left with 63e, that's very, very good.

--- End quote ---
errr why do you say that?
say that server is dying and you need much money, its good for business

 ;D ;D

i would donate...
buuut i dont have a credit card.
sooo that will be hard

Hello to all people following this fine thread:)

We're running out of time, and we need 115e to freeze the time for 3 months. That's not much for time-freeze service I guess? Would be bad to have server down as soon as most of the CBT bugs get fixed, wouldn't it?

Thanks in advance!


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