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Author Topic: Smoothing Combat  (Read 1619 times)

Smoothing Combat
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:51:33 pm »

I have no idea where to start with this one but my biggest annoyance with F-Online2238 is the fact every time I get shot in an encounter in Real-Time... I get forced into this lag walking/run thing that slows me down and actually hinders movement.  I mean we don't play Fallout Online to do the moonwalk with our characters am I right?

Its not a problem in turn based but I also hate the slow game play of Turn-based so from my perspective it seems reasonable that something should be done to change this.

Especially if anyone expects this beta to go into the 3D era eventually since I'd bet that may also increase the lag in real-time.

I know this will go to the bottom of the dev's list, but I still think it should be on top.


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Re: Smoothing Combat
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 10:55:47 pm »

The moonwalk is due to the latence between the server and the client. The only way to fix it is to fix lag. So, get a better net connection, and stop dowloading porn, is the way to go.
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Re: Smoothing Combat
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2011, 11:05:02 pm »

The moonwalk is due to the latence between the server and the client. The only way to fix it is to fix lag. So, get a better net connection, and stop dowloading porn, is the way to go.

Yeah satellite internet is always flaky, true hard line dsl or cable is the way to go unfortunately not in my area.  My ping is usually 250-350 randomly hitting 400.

Have a good target ping? I wouldn't think this game required much better than that

ClearWire satellite is pretty fast (no problems anywhere outside of Fallout, granted I don't play many FPS, this isn't FPS)

I think the fact the connection has to shoot into space and back may be holding me back just enough. 
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 11:07:45 pm by Dyce666 »
Re: Smoothing Combat
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 11:13:29 pm »

I have no idea where to start with this one but my biggest annoyance with F-Online2238 is the fact every time I get shot in an encounter in Real-Time... I get forced into this lag walking/run thing that slows me down and actually hinders movement.  I mean we don't play Fallout Online to do the moonwalk with our characters am I right?

Its not a problem in turn based but I also hate the slow game play of Turn-based so from my perspective it seems reasonable that something should be done to change this.

Especially if anyone expects this beta to go into the 3D era eventually since I'd bet that may also increase the lag in real-time.

I know this will go to the bottom of the dev's list, but I still think it should be on top.

I've got to be honest here, I have no such problems when playing, it may well be your Internet connection.

"They say people dont believe in heroes anymore... Well, I'm going to give them back their hero."
Re: Smoothing Combat
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 11:28:32 pm »

You can play normally in FPS because it doesn't checks your position every milisecond like in FOnline, that's why if you have, for example, ping 500, you won't move faster than 1 hex in 0.5 seconds, if your ping is 5k, then you'll move 1 hex every 5 second, you don't see it during non-combat, because it doesn't update for you every time, and you see your character further in move than he really is for everyone else on server, while in combat everytime someone attacks you, it synchronize position with you and you see your real position, sometimes I can see players teleporting on 10-20 hexes, especially if they instantly changing direction of run, it means I got lag and missed some of thier moves.
Try to run somewhere 30 second in a row in one direction (in some big town), then drop some item and start run back in other direction, later, you'll see your character teleported back droping that item if you have high ping, because this is one of actions that forces to check your position and synchronize it.
If you have low ping you won't see much problems.
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