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Portal 2
The story - retarded? It was awesome. It's one of the most epic stories in games I ever played. Really.
And you didn't like it?
Well, the story in itself was pretty weak. It's the presentation that is really good.
--- Quote from: Lexx on May 02, 2011, 01:14:49 pm ---It's the presentation that is really good.
--- End quote ---
Exactly. Also, the "personnality" of NPCs and most of dialogues are pretty good.
--- Quote from: Floodnik on May 02, 2011, 01:07:08 pm ---The story - retarded? It was awesome. It's one of the most epic stories in games I ever played. Really.
And you didn't like it?
--- End quote ---
there is some sort of cataclims
the moast retarded robot ever existed(and he was developed to be retarded) tryes to help you escape and awakens GlaDOS
GlaDOS scuses the robot and puts you to test
you escape with the "probably surviving" retarded robot and sabotage GlaDOS's turrets and neurotoxin "without" her to know it
at the confruntation with GlaDOS, she is amberesed by the sabotajed robots and gas and brings the retarded robot back
the retarded robot gains controll over the facility and will let you leave...
he turns GlaDOS in a potato
...he kicks you down the elevator on the fall of your life with GlaDOS
you fins some old testing tracks
you meet and put GlaDOS on your bi-portal device to get back up
GlaDOS is your best friend now
you find out the secrets of apeture science
you return to the testing track to find some stupid inventions(i barfed at the walking boxes,made me sick)
you resolved testes for the retarded robot like he was taking heroine or cocain or joints
you fight him
he allmoast kills you but you shoot a portal on the moon
He is lost in space
GlaDOS let's you go, but she whant's to kill you
you are in the middle of nowhere
now tell me please, what is not retarded in the story?
It is crazy, but that makes me like it!
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