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Portal 2

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Well, the way LagMaster wrote about it... You can turn everything into trash. How about this one:

There is some sort of cataclism.
The most retarded vault experiments ever existed.
Some dude throws you out of the vault to find his shit.
You walk around and search the shit.
You find the shit and bring it back.
Same dude throws you out again to kill some shit.
You go out and search for shit to kill.
You find some boss and kill him.
Then you find another boss and kill him.
Now you go back to the dude from beginning and
He throws you out again.
You are in the middle of nowhere.

Doesn't sound that fancy?

The story isn't retarded, but isn't a great hit, either.

As i played Portal 1, i wasn't sure, if Aperture Laboratories was consisting of mad - "let's pump this hobo up with LSD and asbestos and see what happens, lol" - scientists, or were GlaDos just making this up to confuse and scare me and there was actually a psychological test by smart people in background.

Turns out, it was exactly like that: Aperture Science was full of nutjobs with limitless budget. Furthermore, it was really easy to find the white surface between all the rubble - it was always like a hint in too-easy quests. They were making the player feel smart, but not challenging his mind much.

Another pleasant sides on the whole rubbish: it was a feeling of a urban explorer and timetraveler at the same time.

--- Quote from: Lexx on May 03, 2011, 02:06:09 pm ---Doesn't sound that fancy?

--- End quote ---

Damn, that must be a retarded story. Or it just depend on the viewer and his point of view, so...don't blame the mirror ;P

nice game, loved the coop. Its a bit strange cause it makes u feel totally alone sometimes, other time companied, it feels like psychological test. Cause all the time it makes u have different reactions (loneless,melancoly combined with fun and some comedy things). The story isnt that retarded, is that always the games with so much mistery then to make u think the story is better than it is.


--- Quote from: Lexx on May 03, 2011, 02:06:09 pm ---Well, the way LagMaster wrote about it... You can turn everything into trash. How about this one:

There is some sort of cataclism.
The most retarded vault experiments ever existed.
Some dude throws you out of the vault to find his shit.
You walk around and search the shit.
You find the shit and bring it back.
Same dude throws you out again to kill some shit.
You go out and search for shit to kill.
You find some boss and kill him.
Then you find another boss and kill him.
Now you go back to the dude from beginning and
He throws you out again.
You are in the middle of nowhere.

Doesn't sound that fancy?

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well, yeah, all depends an the way you say it, even compliments can sound like insults and vice versa, depending how you say them(ex:smartass, cow eyes)


--- Quote from: LagMaster on May 04, 2011, 08:20:35 am ---well, yeah, all depends an the way you say it, even compliments can sound like insults and vice versa, depending how you say them(ex:smartass, cow eyes)

--- End quote ---

lol lag, u should narrate a film that won the oscar that way


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