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Dreamcast Games.

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Anyone know any good Dreamcast games? I've just recieved my brand new Factory Sealed Dreamcast from Amazon and I really need some Games, I have Phantasy Star Online, Jet Set Radio, Resident Evil 1-3/Code Veronica and Mortal Kombat Gold.

well you pretty much named all the memorable titles. Jet Set Radio ftw.

Rez, Powerstone (PSII yawn) and MDK.

edit: Crazy taxi and SC yawn.

Alec Ramsey:
i hear skies of arcadia isnt bad

Nobody has mentioned Shenmue?

Cool thing about the dreamcast is if you burn a game image to a blank disk it will usually work, so people have been making emulators and homebrew applications, Dreamcasts are quite possibly the easiest to hax up, if you know how to burn an image to a disk, you can get free games and homebrew.

worms armagedon was the beez kneez


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