Other > Suggestions
Making Armour Class Useful
And what's about increase the AC with the sneak skill when sneak is actived?
A guy with 8 AC, a combat leather jacket and 200 in sneak skill which is reduced at 180 with weight penalities (Not real, just example).
He get 8(agility) + 18(armor) + 18 (sneak/10 why not) = 44
If someone want to hit in his head at 30-40 hex, it will be more difficult even with 200 in a weapon skill.
With a mk2 and perk dodger he will get 8+25+18+5 = 56
If he want hit in eye he have a 60+56=116 penality and more with the distance so 200 in a weapon skill is not enough for a 95% shot
Or maybe the skill sneak will be handed up to date. (Currently that skill is not used much)
I do agree to an extent with this idea, I think the damage resistances should go way up but the ability to dodge should go down, makes perfect sense to me.
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