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Your world without Fallout 3 and New Vegas [discussion]
There is going to be a Fallout 3 Multiplayer mod.Similar like the one for Oblivion.
--- Quote from: Surf on April 21, 2011, 12:10:25 am ---No. Because you are making shit up. I wish I could be young and naive again.
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LoL so ur being young and mouthy instead?
Who Killed Bambi:
*god bless* and *doddamn* bethesda, but its not EA games... so i prefer fo3 and nv in this life, than fo3 from ea games ;)
and interplay alive again after transaction with fallout.
Interplay what it is now has nothing to do with the Interplay we once knew.
Who Killed Bambi:
--- Quote from: Surf on April 22, 2011, 06:30:37 pm ---Interplay what it is now has nothing to do with the Interplay we once knew.
--- End quote ---
maybe they can make same ;)
i see any game that i d like to play on their web site, about mmorpg, and harold bible isnt bad :) problem is most of people got only harold bible :D
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