Other > Closed suggestions
Town Control
Recently we had a problem with TC - another faction seems to have lured the TC NPC away and killed him so we could not reclaim the town while we hardly saw any opposition. I feel like it is an abuse of the feature, and would like to suggest one of the following:
a) make the TC NPC ignore everything and be invincible
b) replace NPCs with Terminals (using similar dialogues)
c) make TC NPC insta-respawn and teleport backto their location when killed
I think that TC feature is the heart of PvP now, and honestly I am not against killing NPC to protect ownership but is is abusable too easily.
I agree. For now, "dead time" of mayors is really too long and it makes town control impossible. This system has to be rebuild. My favourite option is the last one. The first could be cool but the fact is if you're attacked by the mayor, you couldn't get rid of him. And I don't like the second, because I think it's better (more "realistic") to talk with a npc.
EDIT : I should read less quick, I haven't seen "ignore everything" in the first option. So my favourite options are the last one and the first one. The first one is surely the most safe option.
Yes, I knew this was going to be a problem when I suggest the new format ... ideally the TC should be claimed from something that you cant get into combat and lure all over the map and NPCs joining in with the fighting needs to be stopped somehow.
But we shall see what can be done.
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