I'm not a PK, but I agree with some of the comments.
Last few times I was in NCR it was a very quiet town, only a few people around.
It used to have 2 dozen or more people around.
As for Rick, he's an annoying thief. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't see how you can run out of the Hub if you shot someone who's protected.
Both at the main entrance and the one near the FLC have guards.
Months ago, perhaps even pre-wipe, tank buildse shot guards from inside the tent in NCR bazar.
They blocked the entrance of the tent so guards couldn't get in.
1 or more friends inside healed them.
All guards, including the one from the inner city and even the ones inside Tandi's place went to that tent in order to kill the guys.
So if you can run through the Hub to an exit after shooting someone who's protected, than that sounds like a bug to me.