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Black Water Mercenaries Recruiting

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Black Water Mercenaries Recruiting

Our web site http://bwmercenaries.webs.com/ The Black Water Merceneries corporation is recruitung new soldiers off all stilles nations and colors.
We can provide base, crafters, weapons, armours, cars and almost everything you need to play in this wounderfull game.
We are a part of the tttla aliance so by became a menber of the BWM be prepared to PVP.

If you are interested reply here or pm me

P.S. whe are where to have fun and spent some time whit fine people ;)

Ive got a feeling we will get a long just fine , this game needs more merceneries - manpower for hire that doesn't choose sides but fights with those who offer the best deal.

I did this on my own for a while, I had shitty ass builds back then though, so not many good offers.

So this is private and such correct, you "political" standing doesn't matter?  So anyone can sign up?  (I have no intention of leaving my gang, only looking for job as merc)

Sure thing men if we need some extra hand i let you know 8)

New Member: BW_SpaceMan
 PT_Varamdas said I could join


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