Other > Off-topic discussions
Alright, Come on; Fallout 3 and New Vegas aren't that bad.
fallout 3 was good i love bethesda
fallout new vegas sucks way too easy even on hardcore mode and very hard and the bugs are sooo annoying i hated the storey i still play it once in awhile but too easy and bad storey.
Fallout 3 was terribly easy as well. Grab a hunting rifle, pew pew them popamoles!
--- Quote from: Slaver Snipe on April 14, 2011, 08:27:20 pm ---Recycled old engine, Check
Lots of eye candy to make players like the game, Check
Large world tinted green, Check
Terrible fps with quests, Check
Bethseda spending 4 years to develop a game with a team many, many times the size of the originals, Check
All in all, of course it was a bigger game, but it had way to many shortcomings for a game that took 4 years developing without creating a new engine for it.
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1. I thought the engine could've been better, but why not use it? it wasn't terrible. and Oh again, the SAME can be said for Fallout 1 and 2.
2. Uhm, how is this a bad thing?
3. I don't even understand this. The entire world really isn't green... its more of a brownish color :P I think your referring to Oasis? :P
4. The fps is not terrible; but its not great either. The game is also not a full blown fps either. What your saying here is like complaining the Fallout 1 had a crappy hand to hand combat system. You sound like someone who came to Fallout 3 as an Fps player, expecting it to be like an FPS. I would think that a fallout player would look for more storyline driven details instead of all Pure combat/graphics details as your suggesting....
--- Quote from: Eternauta on April 14, 2011, 08:35:08 pm ---Fallout 3 was terribly easy as well. Grab a hunting rifle, pew pew them popamoles!
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And so was NV.... NV i found shitteier too manyt open quests not a good story, not good gameplay.....f3 was beeter
--- Quote from: Eternauta on April 14, 2011, 08:35:08 pm ---Fallout 3 was terribly easy as well. Grab a hunting rifle, pew pew them popamoles!
--- End quote ---
*Very hard difficulty
I thought Fallout 1 and 2 were easy too.
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