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Alright, Come on; Fallout 3 and New Vegas aren't that bad.

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Ok after of 12 years waiting for this Duke Nukem, im thinking it will be a fu··$$ piece of s·$%& yes man, the original game was awesome, but dont expect anything of this classic "Forever"
Also i love all the fallouts (exept brotherhood ofsteel) and FO3 is an awesome game i spent 126hours of mah life for complete all with all DLC, yes it is not canon fallout it dont follows fo1 and fo2 style, but is awesome
NV is another history, i dont know what to think about it, it is made by the fallout bible creator and his history continues what Van Buren did, but it is soooooo boring:
lot of only talking quest
unbalanced stats, you can acces to many misions or even continue the main game without a high speech
0 exploration (i love fo3 for the incredible exploration)
bad history, youre just a curier, nothing awesome,
bad end,you cant continue after over it

also i think that oblivion is Boring, exept the IV it rocks!!!!


--- Quote from: SIGISMUND on April 14, 2011, 10:23:57 pm ---Thats not a glitch lets be realists. Its a secret feature you get when you buy game its soo secret that not even teh idiots who made the game know about it.

Hail the king baby! Duke Nukem is comming!

--- End quote ---

Dont excpect duke nukem to be any better.... i dont thnk players are used tot hose kind of fps anymore...

U mad?

No, now for real. F3 isnt bad, for sure! i played it, it is fun (pc is slower(or better, depends); ps3 is more comfitable). I understood the GEEK and i maded tons of mods. I planned to make Tutorials for it, but i'll never do it...

@ the people who think they are the best at the GEEK: you know how to edit Models, Textures, Game Values (maxLVL, XpReward, Walk Speed) and make maps? No? too bad  8)

Fallout New Vegas is more an fucking-huge remake of Fallout 3. It has some bugs, the stuff that is changed (wrong) from Fallout 1&2 to 3 is now more shit (ok, we missed marcus, but that is it!). If i would have the chance to get Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 3 (without played it before), 100% i would take F3.

People who never played Fallout would say "Fallout New Vegas is the best, it is the newest so it is the best. Point."
I would answer "You should play an Fallout game before you say this piece of Crap! You dont know about if it is the best."

Fallout New Vegas is for Fallout 3 like Command & Conquer 4 for the other Command & Conquer 's
Fallout 3 = 9/10
Fallout New Vegas = 6,5/10
C&C 3 = 5/10
C&C 4 = 0,05/10


--- Quote from: Xarr on April 14, 2011, 11:43:02 pm ---http://img823.imageshack.us/i/unbenannth.gif/
U mad?

No, now for real. F3 isnt bad, for sure! i played it, it is fun (pc is slower(or better, depends); ps3 is more comfitable). I understood the GEEK and i maded tons of mods. I planned to make Tutorials for it, but i'll never do it...

@ the people who think they are the best at the GEEK: you know how to edit Models, Textures, Game Values (maxLVL, XpReward, Walk Speed) and make maps? No? too bad  8)

Fallout New Vegas is more an fucking-huge remake of Fallout 3. It has some bugs, the stuff that is changed (wrong) from Fallout 1&2 to 3 is now more shit (ok, we missed marcus, but that is it!). If i would have the chance to get Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 3 (without played it before), 100% i would take F3.

People who never played Fallout would say "Fallout New Vegas is the best, it is the newest so it is the best. Point."
I would answer "You should play an Fallout game before you say this piece of Crap! You dont know about if it is the best."

Fallout New Vegas is for Fallout 3 like Command & Conquer 4 for the other Command & Conquer 's
Fallout 3 = 9/10
Fallout New Vegas = 6,5/10
C&C 3 = 5/10
C&C 4 = 0,05/10

--- End quote ---

Yea, New Vegas was a pretty big let down. 

But I mean, Fallout isn't done yet; Bethesda still wants to make more...

i would rate f3 better than new vegas, it was just more interesting.

And i would rate f2 better than f1, i enjoyed it more, much more variety in your playstyle in f2 :>

And im one of those who think that f1 and f2 is better than f3 and new vegas, but they aint shitty games neither :>


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