FOnline Development > General Discussion
How to get mercenaries in the FOnline SDK?
Well, i've looked over the files, and i've found settings, but i cant quite figure out how to create mercenaries/followers. can anyone point me in the right direction?
Pretty sure this is a 2238 only thing, ya know, they made and scripted themselves. Unless you mean like, Followers from fo2?
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 13, 2011, 01:11:20 am ---Unless you mean like, Followers from fo2?
--- End quote ---
I don't think that's part of the FOnline Engine SDK either.
--- Quote --- /// Mercenary settings
#define MERC_BEGIN (800)
#define MERC_END (809)
#define MERC_MASTER_ID (800) // Id õîçÿèíà ìåðêà
#define MERC_ALWAYS_RUN (801) // Ïðèçíàê, ìåðê ïåðåìåùàåòÿ áåãîì ïðè ñëåäîâàíèè çà õîçÿèíîì
#define MERC_CANCEL_ON_ATTACK (802) // Ïðèçíàê, îòìåíÿåò ëè ìåðê ñëóæáó, åñëè õîçÿèí àòàêóåò ñàìîãî ìåðêà.
#define MERC_LOSE_DIST (803) // Äèñòàíöèÿ, ïðè ïðåâûøåíèè êîòîðîé ìåðê "îòñòàåò" îò õîçÿèíà è îòìåíÿåò ðåæèìå ìåðêà.
#define MERC_MASTER_DIST (804) // Äèñòàíöèÿ, êîòîðîé ïðèäåðæèâàåòñÿ ìåðê â ðåæèìå ñëåäîâàíèÿ çà õîçÿèíîì
#define MERC_TYPE (805) // Òèï ìåðêà. Ñì. merc_h
#define MERC_DEFEND_MASTER (806) // Ïðèçíàê: ìåðê çàùèùàåò õîçÿèíà, åñëè òîò àòàêîâàí
#define MERC_ASSIST_MASTER (807) // Ïðèçíàê: åñëè õîçÿèí àòàêóåò öåëü, ìåðê ïðèñîåäèíÿåòñÿ ê àòàêå
#define MERC_CANCEL_TIME (808) // Âðåìÿ çàâåðøåíèÿ ñëóæáû
#define MERC_CANCEL_ON_GLOBAL (809) // Ïðèçíàê: ìåðê îòìåíÿåò ñëóæáó, åñëè õîçÿèí âûøåë íà ãëîáàëüíóþ êàðòó.
--- End quote ---
This is from the "_defines" file. so there does seem to be settings made for it. at least for a prototype.
Anyone have any ideas?
This are only param numbers; check most obvious - merc.fos and q_npc_v13_dclaw.fos as an example of use. Eventually look for "Merc2Player" in other *.fos files.
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