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[Help a noob]:)


Hey folks,So i'm kind of new to this as i only got my pc back working again,So i joined the Brotherhood as a recruit brought them the 5 mm ap and scorpion tails,Now they want me to go to Navarro which is impossible until i level up BIGTIME,But my question is when i go to the Armoury in the base and talk to the gun or armour person my guy just keeps saying i think i should come back i dont think i'm ready for this,

Any input will be greatly appreciated thanks in advance :)

I suggest you to get some levels and icrease your outdoorsmanship. If you join the Brotherhood of Steel you're atumatically vilified in the Enclave so with the higher outdoorsman skill you'll avoid the Enclave patrol which will shot you on sight. If you reach Navarro just talk with guy in Robes (he is from the Enclave but won't attack you) or if the fence doors behind main gas station building are open, just go there and get close to the Nuka Cola Machine placed behind the building.


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