Other > Gang Issues
Have you been killed by somebody for no reason?
--- Quote from: SIGISMUND on April 21, 2011, 09:35:49 pm ---OMG I'm going to plant some bombs on people today :) FOR NO REASON
But it's impossible to kill with no reason. There is always a reason even if you don't to belive that .
--- End quote ---
Shits n giggles! in bomber case! ;D
I think a better option would be:
Was killed for someones LULZ.
I was never killed for no reason. And I understand. And I forgive them.
lol i think that being killed by ruskies who dont speak english counts as no reason. lol. But it mostly happened to me before i became pk
killed for no reason?
everyone is killed for no reason
IRL, IG, everywhere
killing is fun for some, but i hate to kill or to be killed
what you do not like to yourself, don't do to others
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