Here basically the defense from the counterpart of believers, about the existence of an entity such as a god, lies in the fact that there is no evidence of the non-existence of them, and they base the creation of all we know, in the possibility that entity exist without proves, only because there is no one able to tell them the reason of the non-existence of him and/or them. hmm. Interesting.
This is so simple to be viewed this side. There are many tales, myth and fantasy, used as a metaphor, and all people know about that to think it is not real, is because has been cataloged as unreal. The reason why the tale of the bible, which mixes history with subliminal fantasy to their readers, is not discarded from reality, has a motive to do with the matter it implies in peoples mind about what they want to believe, they want that “paradise” there described, they want love and the end of all wars, and obviously that is not the part why is this book taken so seriously. This book was used as one of legislation. So, you know what politics search on people. I have not to remind you. I think.
If you want to keep on believing on gods, even now there is able to study how storms, earthquakes or other event of nature is caused, is that you like tales so much, and don't want to see reality (And for example there is a scientific explanation why that lake in the bible book turned red, as blood). You cannot dream on human tales, even if it ruled your childhood. There is a point you must take them apart, open your mind and not solely answer what you don't know, with the same word, over, and over again.