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how many fonline people believes in church

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People can be as mad as they want, so long as they don't inflict it upon anyone else.


When you try and pass on nonsense to the next generation you stop inflicting only on yourself. These things haven't been blighting human society for thousands of years because they are bad at propogating their own "beliefs".


Yeah, exactly what I mean.

God exist and he is omniprezent, but it is actualy a place in our brain where some of us go with the help of "praying" so that they will realy belive that good things will happen, some sort of mature well of wishes
some people had made this a way to live, douing stupid and ilogical things
--- Quote from: Crazy on April 01, 2011, 06:02:16 pm ---Christians are basically this.

And when  you think about it...

So, I prefer the science way.

So bad the science was slowed down by christianity...

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i agree to this^

Who Killed Bambi:


--- Quote from: Solar on April 01, 2011, 01:42:12 pm ---God is as real as the tooth fairy.

Anyone that doesn't agree with that

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--- Quote from: Glave on April 01, 2011, 01:42:12 pm ---Diamond Head is as good as Metallica

Anyone that doesn't agree with that

--- End quote ---


Anyways, if you cannot understand why people believe in some beings superior to theirselves, maybe I'll clear this up to you. How many of those people that can barely afford food would still remain sane and think positive if not for their faith? Why the countless families of Japan haven't snapped yet and carry on with their lives, despite huge losses in their ranks? Do you think Poland would rise once again as a country if not for the faith we had in our hearts ever since 966?

I'm not even talking about Catholicism, but God in general. Take a look at yourself - if you think God doesn't exist, why do you invoke his name dozens of times daily? Don't know what I'm talking about? Oh my God doesn't ring a bell anymore?


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