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how many fonline people believes in church

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Your faith system regarding how science works sounds as blind as religion to be honest.

But surely I can be the forerunner of the subject on biology and be a priest/monk at the same time? But, wouldn't those 2 values conflict with each other by your later statements?

Also intelligent is the measurement from 1-10, if I am incorrect Fallout Gods strike me down here and now.


--- Quote from: Y0ssarian on April 14, 2011, 11:56:19 pm ---Your faith system regarding how science works sounds as blind as religion to be honest.

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Explain how I define axioms and live by them. The only "faith" or believe I have is, that the world is knowable, not absolutely knowable, but knowable.
The only possibility how THAT could be the same as ANY OTHER RELIGION is only by total ignorance of speaker, thus you. So, science is NOT just ANOTHER KIND OF RELIGION. Yeah, many people don't know it and create some pseudoscience (homeopatics etc.) and believe in them, they talk about it from position of poor sheeps, and that some scientist TOLD them or SAID that it works. No own thinking if thats true or something else.

The problem in history of science is, that science is quite new. Definition of science is realy new, in that way of testing hypothesis and that nothing is for sure. There were forerunners that did realy nice research, uite close to modern science. eg. Mendel (more mathematican or one of first informatic). But statement, that they were religious people (eg. priests) so faith and science do not conflict is wrong. Too strong from this evidence. You could only say, that for some people, in some areas of science, it does not create conflict. Thats true statemant from those fact. Not what you have created. Lets test it.
For all people, there is area of science where faith and science do not create conflict.
-> quite strong statemant. Badly testable. We have to define areas (eg. biology, mathematics etc.) and it depends on them. The smaller the area we create, the higher probability would have our statements... It would be probably math, because it is so abstract, that even religious fanatics don't have opinion on it. But we could find at at least one religious fanatics, that would deny nearly every other part of sciecne. From physic, to biology (eg. evolution and institute of Discovery, bleh...)
Do the rest of it for homework.... I just don't know why I write it. I should probably delete it, but I wanna to fight this battle against ignorance.

You guys never let go, eh?

Let it go for f*s sake.

Let people have their own beliefs - as long as your religion motivates you to be a better person - its allright.

If you dont need religion and you want to be a better person because of your personal morality (?) - its allright.

As HH Dalai Lama often says - If you want to make the world better place, start with yourself, not with the others. I suggest doing so, letting others stay in their own world, no matter how wrong ("not right") it seems to be. None of us have any rights to say if somethings wrong.

Every religion can be wrong. EVERY.

Every hypotesis in science can be wrong. EVERY.

I for instance consider myself agnostic/atheist. I follow the rules I consider to be worth following. But try to respect everyone who resects me. I dont believe the god exist, but also know it exists - some people see it as a beardo guy some as a big triangle with an eye some people see it as a science's wonderful world - it's just the matter of definition - we all believe in God - we just see it differently. Main point - let people live their lives - concentrate on yourself - on trying to be a better person :)

In real life im a total douche and asshole - but still - I try to follow my rules and it feels great - Because ive chosen what to believe :) I often laugh at different religions, criticise them and such - not to piss someone or to change someone's point of view. Just for laughs.

And why I write it? I'm really bored at work right now :)


--- Quote from: Colombo on April 14, 2011, 10:12:50 am ---Yeah, I cannot be 100% sure
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That's pretty much like religion.

--- Quote from: Colombo on April 15, 2011, 03:54:57 pm ---I just don't know why I write it. I should probably delete it, but I wanna to fight this battle against ignorance.
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Why are you compelled to fight my ignorance? I take graditude that you care for a stranger like me. I will remember and love you always. As the man who brought enlightenment to my world, his name, my dear Colombo. <3

P.S You don't need to test this statement. I truely do love you 100%!  :P

"It's always worth while speaking to a clever man."


--- Quote ---That's pretty much like religion.
--- End quote ---
????????? Thats total oposite of religion. Ok, my english is not the brightest, but there is difference between "can" and "cannot"


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