1.Kill brahmins (in TB it is easy, even if you are unarmed, tho it will take a while) by using your advantage of speed - they are slower and have about 8 AP I think.
2.Build a tent with 10 brahmin hides you gathered from earlier. Make sure the tent is close to a populated, guarded town.
3.Leave all your stuff at the tent.
4.Go to a guarded town and search for people who may help you, if they kill you, it doesn't matter, all the stuff is at your tent.
5.Learn about crafting! It's almost always best to have a crafting char as a main char, especially if you are a new player.
6.After getting guns and such stuff, do some quests and kill monsters for leveling.
6.1.Incase you get confused, run out of ammo/guns whatever, repeat from step 3.
7.After you have mastered your character, read the wiki VERY much. You will always find new valuable information.
8.Go out in the game! Join a faction, or maybe you want to be a random PKer? It's your choice now!