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The most hated factions....

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Why everyone call Vedaras as Vederas? Nearsighted all of you! LOL.


--- Quote ---Why everyone call Vedaras as Vederas? Nearsighted all of you! LOL.
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--- Quote from: cogliostro on April 12, 2011, 02:05:04 am ---Why everyone call Vedaras as Vederas? Nearsighted all of you! LOL.

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i am nearsighted you meaner  :D i take mad offence to what u said =p

Why would someone hate a faction anyway? Hating is for noobs and stupid people (and here I have a lot of examples, but I am a kind man and I'll leave them to realise that themselves so I won't say any name, like Haraldx's or OskaRus's), you can't hate people in a video game just because they are playing the game... And why would you hate TTLA? I meant most of them are a little intellectually challenged and french, but I actually like their approach of the game. They are trying to bring balance to the game and their approach is harder than the pk approach. The only people that make me mad in this game are my mates, when they fail a mission, so hating my own faction is closest to truth, but that is not the case of course...

Have some fun people and stop starting "hating" threads.   


--- Quote from: zuhardu on April 14, 2011, 11:19:08 am ---Haraldx

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*Chews bubblegum* *sees what Zuhardu wrote* *choke*
*chokes more* *spits out bubblegum*
Excuse me? What? Where in the heck you got this information? If you think I hate some people just because I support WWP and their little Redding project, doesn't make all their faction enemies my eternal life enemies! Heck, I don't even know all of their enemies! Care to explain what you mean by your "intelligent" post?

EDIT: By the way, you owe me bubble gum :P ;D


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