Other > Gang Issues

The most hated factions....

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--- Quote from: vedaras on April 11, 2011, 07:29:36 pm ---hallelujah! (tttla arguments always win)

p.s do not worry you are not the only one like that. One dude got killed by vsb + hawks because he had russian nickname.  His loot is listed in pic

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And what are your arguments ? "TTTLA says that they are Anti-Pk but they kill innocent like me"
You have wrong arguments because WE ARE NOT ANTI-PKERS ! Put it in your head (I think that there is enough place) !
So STOP to speak about us ... you dont know what is our team.

I am sorry for your Russian guy, but I know somebody who was killed because he had a bluesuit, or because he had hair, or an armor, or a name with more than 2 characters etc ...


--- Quote from: Jescri on April 11, 2011, 07:58:04 pm ---I am sorry for your Russian guy, but I know somebody who was killed because he had a bluesuit, or because he had hair, or an armor, or a name with more than 2 characters etc ...

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i never said something about killing me in first place. And in second place as i already told you, you are having such laws under which you should be declared outlaws yourself for gangs behaviour. And what you said in quoted part is very true, here is your laws so i prefer those factions who has it in more simple form like: kill everybody.


--- Quote from: vedaras on April 11, 2011, 08:01:37 pm --- i prefer those factions who has it in more simple form like: kill everybody.

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Cool story. Yesterday i eated a pizza, but who cares ?

Go kill everybody  vederas if it is what you prefer : no one cares.


--- Quote from: vedaras on April 11, 2011, 07:29:36 pm --- One dude got killed by vsb + hawks because he had russian nickname. 

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Can you really blame them? It's a well-known fact that roughly 100% of Russian players here are thieves/PK's without even basic knowledge of English, and hence deserve exactly that kind of treatment.

He came back after some time we apologized him and give him his stuff back.It is quite stupid go with cyrilic name to town where is TC and check it out.And vederas you were running around us and we dont shoot you but somebody doesnt like you. ???


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